 Location:Food Category Enquiry
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(Tip: Search for a food name, and the system will automatically locate the food category containing that name. Please click on the food category name to enter the details page to view the limit details.)
English name
Meat and meat products
Meat (fresh, chilled, frozen meat, etc.)
Livestock and poultry meat
Viscera of livestock and poultry (such as liver, kidney, lung, intestine, etc.)
Meat products (including visceral products and blood products)
Pre-prepared meat products
Prepared meat products (raw meat with condiment)
Cured meat products (such as bacon, cured meat, salted duck, Chinese ham, sausage, etc.)
Cooked meat products
Canned meat
Sauce braised meat products
Barbecued, baked or grilled meat
Fried meat
Western style ham (smoked, roasted, smoked and steamed)
Meat sausages
Fermented meat products
Other cooked meat products
GB 2762-2022食品安全国家标准 食品中污染物限量