 Location:Food Category Enquiry
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(Tip: Search for a food name, and the system will automatically locate the food category containing that name. Please click on the food category name to enter the details page to view the limit details.)
English name
Food for special dietary uses
Formula for infants and young children
Formula for infants
Formula for older infants
Infant formula
Infant formula for special medical purposes
Supplementary foods for infants and young children
Cereal supplementary foods for infants and young children
Canned supplementary foods for infants and young children
Formula food for special medical purposes (excluding the varieties involved in infant formula food for special medical purposes)
Other special dietary foods (such as supplementary food nutritional supplements, sports nutritional foods, nutritional supplements for pregnant women and nursing mothers, etc.)
GB 2762-2022食品安全国家标准 食品中污染物限量